Friday, November 17th
St. Elizabeth
1 John 3;14-18. Luke 6:27-38

The Father's love is the dynamic of all good within His world. Without it there is no life or growth or full maturity. He sent Me to His world to be His love to His beloved children: gladly I came and willingly I offered the perfection of My earthly life, and died for each child of man whoever lived or ever will. All who seek to live in love and self-giving to the Father and their fellowmen are sharers in that love poured out upon the children of the Father's love: all who love are co-builders in His Kingdom.

Love grows by what it feeds on : love and you multiply love . Open your heart and mind to receive that plenitude the Father seeks to pour into your soul. I , the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, stand at the door and knock . Open the door to love and love will fill your total being.