Tuesday, November 14th
Titus 2:1-8,11-14. Luke 12:7-10

You are called to wholeness and perfection in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. Such is a lifetime's occupation and commitment. It will be realised as you continue faithful and as you respond daily to My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. I speak to one, I speak to all.

I have called you friends and make you brothers, sisters, yes, and partners too of My Incarnate Selfhood. But that means challenge from the Father's will and loving purpose to seek, identify, and do it in the power of Our love. Such is your duty and your privilege: in faithfulness and obedience is life eternal and the sum total of all meaning and reality. I am The Means and The Fulfilment and I will bring you and all the faithfully committed in Our love into the Father's Presence in the fullness of eternity with angels and archangels and the whole family of the redeemed and sanctified. So live, so pray , so love that you may take your place in this reality .