Thursday, November 30th
St. Andrew
Romans 10:9-18. Mat. 4:18-22

I, the Father's Beloved and Word Incarnate lovingly call the sons of men to seek the Father's will and enable them to do it. Through Our redeeming, sanctifying love all is accomplished in the faithfully committed in due time and through eternity.

Desire the gift of faithfulness and pray for it: so will it be given in abundance . And you will grow in life eternal. So will you become the means of others finding it through the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit. I speak to one, I speak to all.

In My Name grow and prosper. Through Our love let the Father's will and loving purpose be known and furthered in your witness and your faithfulness. Joy is the reward of all who trust and love and act in faithfulness and self-giving - joy in the Glorious Presence of the Father in the company of angels and archangels and the whole family of the redeemed and sanctified .