Wednesday, November 22nd
St. Cecilia
Hosea 2:16,17. Matt. 25:1-13

Be ready to receive the blessings and the love the Father seeks to pour into your heart and mind: integrity and single-mindedness are both the means and the reward. Give priority to the Father's will in all you think and say and do: this becomes second nature for the committed and the pure in heart. The Father reigns in every soul which gives itself to integrity, justice, faithfulness and love.

I, the Father's Son beloved and loving, His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, am also bridegroom to each soul which gives itself in love and faithfulness to My approaches. Be constantly alert but relaxed in Me and in the Father's will and loving purpose. This way is safe and sure: progress in faith and love and in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.