Wednesday, November 15th
Titus 3:1-7. Luke 17:11-19

My grace is your salvation as you walk in faithfulness and obedience. Rejoice in all the Father has provided and for the very fact of His Essential Being. He is the source of all power, the love which brings all into being and perfects according to His will and loving purpose .

And I, the Father's Son beloved and loving, His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, am the personal saviour of each child of man who ever lived or ever will. That love, which is the very substance of the Father's Being, is the means of man's salvation , progress and perfection through My obedience and self-giving in My earthly life . But to receive the gift of life eternal and the means of growth and progress and maturity each must respond to love as he is challenged and invited, in his life and his relationships and - above all - in his desire to know and do the Father's will and so fulfil His loving purpose.

Let the heart and mind be open to receive the gifts the Father yearns to give and graciously respond in love and self-giving through the grace and power of My Indwelling.