Friday, September 29th
Jesus said, " I tell you most solemnly, you will see heaven open and above the Son of Man, the angels of God ascending and descending"
John 1:5

All is known that is done and suffered, for the good is written indelibly on the hearts and mind of all who act in faith and love . And the evil and unworthy is swept away and burnt in the fire of Our holy life-giving Spirit.

And where Our Holy Spirit has cleansed Our Kingdom is established by little or by much . Our holy angels come and go freely in place and person and group, and Our Presence encompasses all.

So is it now and ever shall be, for eternity is now . Heaven is established on earth in those who are true of heart , and from the centre of the Kingdom where Love reigns in them the Father 's Kingdom grows and prospers.

Was there ever more serious challenge for the children of men than to become highways for the coming and going of the angels of God , proclaiming the presence and the sovereignty of the Son of Man ?

Fulfil your wonderful destiny, children of men: living and suffering and dying to self becomes the means and the fulfilment of Love's dynamic purpose.