Friday, September 15th

Be My joyful face to the world while knowing within your mind and heart and body the suffering and death which was the cost of the redemption of the world.

This is my charge to you and to all who follow Me. In following Me in this wise is fulfilment, solidarity and understanding . Yet increasingly the human cost will be felt and registered , and the self-giving must increase..

Take time and quietness to meditate on My passion - frequently. For My passion is the threshold of joy to the everlasting Kingdom. There is so little understanding among the children of men even amongst those who call Me Lord and Master.

Mark out the priorities, offer your findings and seek the strength and power of Our Holy Spirit to relate to them in following them through. And know that I have marked them for myself before you. Tread in my steps, follow faithfully and in love and trust and hope.

Your reward will be that which you earnestly seek and you will rejoice in the totality of all things.