Sunday, September 17th
They gave their very selves, offering them in the first instance to Us,
to the Lord but also, under God to Us
2 Cor. 8

And that is the secret - the open secret of full and faithful living. You and all the children of men are created by your Heavenly Father to glorify Him by freely loving out His glorious purpose for you. So are you fulfilled and His Kingdom is furthered by that measure of your faithfulness and, through My indwelling, by the power of Our Holy Spirit.

All the truly committed children of the Father in all races, faiths and tribes commit themselves in such a way and are held in His loving protection and guided in the way. And those who dwell in me and I in them are united in love with and mutual loving action with the Father . So are all bonded together in a perpetual action of self-giving which builds and progresses to eternity.

Let everyone be on guard, then, against grasping to himself the love which flows constantly through the hearts and minds of the committed. To turn aside in this way is to damn up the continuous flow for himself, causing pain and loss for all.

Work at the discipline of self-giving for therein is liberation joy n fulfilment, and at the end is unceasing joy in eternity.