Friday, September
Jesus made
His way through towns and villages,
preaching and proclaiming the Good
News of the Kingdom of God . With
Him went His Twelve…..and others
So learned My beloved, faithful
ones in My incarnate days the facts
and wisdom of the Father's Kingdom,
and they experienced the joy of
Heaven on earth for a brief period.
It is the joyful experience of
many of my followers down the ages,
and today, to enjoy periods of intense
illumination where they touch the
fringe of the Father's Presence.
It is a foretaste of Heaven, an
anticipation of the joys of eternity.
But the occasion will pass, the
clouds of sadness and the exigencies
of duty will come to replace the
moments of shared knowledge and
union in Reality.
Yet the moments in depth are not
lost but have become an intrinsic
part of the new self in each, and
an extended part of the Kingdom
of the Father . Each may reach out
in the demands and turmoil of daily
life to renew the deep springs through
the inward eye and the hands upturned.
So will each find refreshment, renewal
and recommitment in love, in power
and in service.