Thursday, September 21st
Jesus said to Matthew, " Follow Me". And He got up and followed Him
Matthew 9:9

Three short years were sufficient for the Son of Man to implant in the hearts and minds of His beloved Disciples the call of love, with the power and understanding to respond to it in the light of Our Holy Spirit and the total embrace of the Father. But their faithfulness to My word and my leading in the years that followed enabled the establishment of the word and the dynamic action of the Father in the world He had created.

So is each and every child of the Father called to follow in faithfulness and in trust, fortifying by all that is given and shown them . So have countless thousands followed down the years and even so today.

But progress today is impeded for many by the glorification of the rational mind and the consequent enthronement of individual determining. The response of the heart with the harnessing of the will to that response must be given total priority. The mind is then enlightened and honed for action in the Father's Kingdom of Love, the will liberated for the service of perfect freedom.

So rejoice in the loving, steadfast purpose and in all that is established to perfect it.