Thursday, September 14th
Let the message of Christ , in all its richness, find a home in you
Colossians 3:16. Ephesians 3:14-20

And the message in all its richness is "put on love". But to do this worthily, and to wear the garment of love with honour and with grace there must be a stripping down and a washing, then an offering of the whole body, in all its variety and complexity and simplicity, to your Heavenly Father whose child you are. The power and the peace of Our Holy Spirit enters the centre of every child of the Father so dedicated and penetrates , as He is given leave, to every part. And the garment of love is My Very Self , My crucified, risen, glorified Presence , ensuring by My covering of all My redeemed and sanctified children, their eternal life both here and beyond death.

Be at peace, then, when you have done all that needs to be done ; rejoice and wait for that which will be given you to be and do.

Pray to be kept from the unguarded moment so much as you are able, so that your offering may be without spot relying on Our loving support and guidance.

Be love to all you meet that the love of the Father may grow and prosper in His Kingdom and draw in many who have wandered from it.