June 5th
Jesus said
to the man He had healed, "Go
home to your people and tell them
all the Lord in His mercy has done
for you and has had compassion on
Let the light that is in you speak
to those who do not rejoice in it.
But let it be through service and
loving-kindness, never from a position
of superiority. The Son of Man came
to save through service and self-giving.
So those who love and serve Him
cannot but seek the same path.
And let all who possess health
and strength or who have it restored
to them through healing regard their
wholeness as a gift from their Heavenly
Father, to be accepted with thankfulness
and in the spirit of service.
All life is for service, both of
the Heavenly Father and of the children
of the Father. In living through
a life of service each child of
the Father who follows faithfully
in My footsteps in the light and
power of Our Holy Spirit is himself
brought to fulfilment and the joy
of Heaven in due time.