June 10th
Jesus said
to His Apostles, "You must come
away to some lonely place all by yourselves
and rest for a while"
There is need for every child of
the Father to rest body and mind
so that new life may be received
for thought and action. So is sleep
given that tired limbs may receive
new strength and weary minds the
rest needed for dealing with the
demands of daily living.
But there is a rest and refreshment
needed by every one of the Father's
children which goes beyond the resting
of tired limbs or the refreshment
of tired minds. It is concerned
with that part of a person which
makes him human and distinguishes
him from the natural world.
In each and every soul there is
a need to receive daily that which
refreshes and nourishes the spirit.
And such can come only from direct
contact with the source of all life
light and energy, namely Our Holy
Spirit. The Father bestows this
in My Name and through My loving,
saving, power to all who seek it
in faith and trust. From time to
time the opportunity should be taken
for an extended time, even to several
days, to rest and grow in the spirit.
As a holiday is important for mind
and body so is such a holy rest
and refreshment essential for growth
and development of the whole person.