Monday, June 26th
Jesus said, "Judge not and you will not be judged"
Matthew 7:1

Each person on earth is unique, loved into existence by the Heavenly Father. And as growth and development proceed so does the consciousness of the Father's love, unless contrary circumstances prevail.

And such circumstances arise either from the person's own choice or situation or from pressures from without. The first can and almost always are brought along, though not without difficulty, often sadness and suffering, by that relationship with the Father which each possesses by virtue of his humanity; though often such progress is not recognised, nor the means. I am the Means and the Perfecter, working continuously to complete that which the Father has initiated and ordained in hope.

In this uniqueness of relationship the Father sees and knows all. Understanding and compassion are with each one of the Father's beloved children. And it behoves each one to entertain and develop a measure of compassion for others. So will understanding grow and develop.

And so none who continue faithfully will judge and criticise others adversely but always seek to accept in love and sympathy any whose actions seem contrary.