Sunday, June 11th
Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you
………what I command you is to love one another."
John 15:12,17

But first you must centre in me so that the love may be given you with which you will love your friends and neighbours. And the strength and wisdom will be given for such activity as is necessary in carrying out those things which love demands. For love has it demands, its duties and its responsibilities.

Do not be anxious about the things that are given you to do. Regard them as gifts which you may offer the Father, having sought and received the knowledge and power to accomplish them. Nothing is required unless the necessary strength is given.

And as your love grows for the Father in me through the indwelling of Our Holy Spirit, so will your love for your fellow man near and far. So seek above all else the love which our presence offers and provides for it is our real self. To have it is to possess all that is in Heaven and Earth. Without it there is neither life nor power, nothing which may survive to eternity. To possess and be possessed by love is the beginning, the end and the purpose of all that is.