August 6th
The Transfiguration
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14. 2 Peter 1:16-19.
Luke 9:28-31
Truth is to be found as It is sought
in humility, love and self-giving.
It is revealed to the faithful and
the true of heart according to the
measure of their commitment. It
is a gift of the Most High, embodied
in His Son and lived out in the
Incarnate Word who is the Father’s
Love Incarnate to all people.
I am The Truth, The Way, The Life
to every beloved child of the loving
Heavenly Father. Accepted or unrecognized
I am the Father’s love and
truth to every child of man whoever
lived or ever will, and, with Our
Holy Spirit, bring all faithful
to the truth in love and self-giving
to Him who is the Source of all
truth and the enabler in knowing
and in living it through the power
of Our indwelling. And the light
which lightens every one born into
the loving Father’s glorious
world shines in and through them
as they continue faithful in Our
love and to the Father’s will
and loving purpose.
The Father yearns to pour His gifts
of peace and joy and power for loving
service into the hearts and minds
of all His beloved sons and daughters
through the grace and power of Love’s