Wednesday, August 1st
Exodus 34:29-35. Matthew 13:44-46

The light which shines from the Father’s Presence radiates all on which it falls. The whole earth receives its light from Him who is the source of all things: all born into the Father’s world, responding to His Presence, are increasingly irradiated as they open heart and mind to the light received.

The law offered to the sons and daughters of the Father is the law of love, binding on each and every one who seeks to follow in the way of truth in faith and trust and self-giving. It is a liberating and empowering law, giving light and life and joy to all embracing it.

I am the light proceeding from the Father to all responsive to His love. I am His Love Incarnate, the Way, the Truth, the Life. Let Our light so shine in you that you become Our light to others: I speak to one, I speak to every one.