Sunday, August 19th
Jeremiah 23:23-29. Hebrews 11:29-12:2. Luke 12:49-56

All born into the Father’s world are liable to suffer at the hands of others. None has suffered more than the Son of man, the Father’s Suffering Servant. I came that all may have life and have it in abundance: the way was through hate and opposition of My people and through the inaction of the uncommitted which brought Me through unimaginable suffering to the victorious end.

Identify with My redeeming death that you may receive the triumphant life We offer. All who die to sin and to the unredeemed and uncommitted self are brought to fulness and perfection in the grace and power of Eternal Love. My Presence is power and comfort in the way, your faithfulness and self-giving a part of My timeless offering to the Father.