August 22nd
9:6-15. Matthew 20:1-6
The Father brought you into His
most glorious world to love and
serve Him and through that love
and service to take your place in
the Kingdom of His love. And so
it is for every one of His beloved
sons and daughters born into His
world: so has it been since time
began and shall be till the world
shall end.
There is no greater joy on earth
than in loving service of the Father:
desiring it leads to commitment,
commitment to identifying it in
small things as in great. And all
that is necessary is given to those
who seek the Father’s will
and loving purpose and are faithful
to it even to the end.
Find your fruitfulness in Me, your
light and guidance from Our Holy
Spirit. I am the means of your fruitfulness
in the Father’s loving purpose.
Continue in the grace and power
of Our indwelling.