August 26th
66:18-22. Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-17. Luke
He who has created all that is
in Heaven and Earth and is constantly
creating, who brought the worlds
and universes into being, calls
one and all to identify and to become
an active part in His creation.
As a potter moulds the vessel he
creates, continuing until the vessel
is perfected, so does the Father
seek to perfect you and all committed
to His will and loving purpose.
And he calls all families, communities
and nations into the fulness of
His love, seeking to lead and guide
them in the ways of loving-kindness,
righteousness and peace.
And if the way is sometimes difficult
and challenging, with sadness and
suffering in the way, the faithful
in Our love recall that the Son
of Man has travelled in the way
before them, is constantly with
them in the way, and will present
them in the glorious Presence of
the Father in the fulness of eternity.