August 14th
1 John
3:14-18. John 15:12-16
The Father is in Me and I in Him.
He is love and I am His Love Incarnate
and We come into the hearts and
minds of all who give themselves
to Our indwelling. Such are the
single-minded and the pure in heart
who seek the Father’s will
and loving purpose in faith and
trust and absolute self-giving even
as I did at Golgotha.
All who die to self and live in
the grace and power of our indwelling
already have eternal life. And they
become Our love to others as they
follow where We lead and guide.
Love is one and indivisible: all
are called into the fellowship of
suffering love according to the
Father’s will and loving purpose.
All faithful in Our redeeming, sanctifying
love are brought to the Father’s
Presence in the fulness of eternity.