August 16th
3:7-10, 11, 11, 13-17... Matthew 18:21-9:1
Let your mind and heart be constantly
open to your loving Heavenly Father
that you may hear what He would
say to you and know His will for
you. So will His Word enter, cleanse
and fill your soul, Our Holy Spirit
light and guide you in the way.
So it is for every one of His beloved
sons and daughters from the greatest
even to the least.
And when you fail to follow as
you are led and guided pray for
forgiveness and for restoration
in the way of faithfulness obedience
and love. So will you be forgiven
and set once more upon the way in
the grace and power of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love.
And you are charged by your loving
heavenly Father to forgive others
when they offend or hurt you even
as you are forgiven. And Love will
heal the hurt and enwhole the relationship.