November 30th
12:9-18. Matthew 6:18-20
They prayed
and hoped for the coming
of a saviour, prepared their
hearts and minds and waited
for their call to service
and self-giving. Each one
of My beloved Disciples
in My incarnate life were
ready - when they were called
- to respond to the Word
spoken by the Father. I
came to teach and train
and witness to the Father's
world in every age and time
and - with Our Holy Spirit
- save and sanctify all
faithfully and obediently
I, the Father's
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, call each one of the
Father's beloved sons and
daughters in every place
and faith and time and all
groups, communities and
nations so to welcome Incarnate
Love within the heart and
mind and soul that each
and all become the Father's
word to the one and many.