Sunday, November 12th
Kings 17:10-16. Hebrews 9:24-28.
Mark 12:38-44
Poverty of
spirit with faith, humility
and love are riches for
all who seek fulfilment
and perfection in the Father's
Kingdom of eternal life
and light and love. All
are offered to the faithful
seeker after truth and the
Father's will in all things
I cleanse
the heart and mind , strengthen
the will and - with Our
Holy Spirit -enlighten,
lead and direct the one
and many committed in Our
saving, sanctifying love
to service of the Father
and to His will and loving
Be still and
know that I am God, with
Father and with Holy Spirit.
Enter in the joy and fellowship
of Eternal Love through
Our indwelling. Desire nothing
but to be kept faithful
in your loving service.