Saturday, November 11th
Martin of Tours
61:1-3. Matthew 25:31-40
Every child
of man in every place and
faith and time is called
to know and love and serve
the Father according to
His will and loving purpose.
To know the Father's will
in small things as in great
it is necessary to live
prayerfully and compassionately,
desiring the well-being
of the one and many - in
faith, in trust and absolute
I, the Father's
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, am constantly at hand
to receive the aspirations
of all seeking truth and
to all aspiring to the fulness
of the life which dimly
they perceive and which
the Father yearns to give
Come to Me,
beloved of the Father: I
speak to one, I speak to
every one. I, the Way, the
Truth, the Life, will bring
you to the fulness of eternal
life as you commit yourself
to the grace and power of
Our indwelling.