Sunday, November 19th
12:1-3. Hebrews 10:11-14,
18.Mark 13:21-32
are as they are and not
otherwise". So has
it been said by a wise and
holy man. There is much
in the world today which
worries the mind and disturbs
the heart, and with the
best will and intention
cannot be changed without
direct intervention of The
Most High. But He has given
freedom of thought and action
to the sons of men, and
that freedom is both strength
and weakness depending on
the resource from which
they draw their energy and
It is in the
hands of the one and many
to make their individual
and corporate stand for
truth and justice, righteousness
and loving-kindness as they
are led and guided. And
they are led by Word and
Spirit as they turn and
offer all the they have
and all they are to the
will and loving purpose
of The Most High. Through
prayer and study of the
Scriptures, through humility
and a seeking for the gracious
will of The Most High for
themselves in the context
of the whole is safety and
salvation .