November 28th
14:14-19. Luke 21:3-11
Have no doubt
- the end is fast approaching.
But so has it been in every
age and generation. In My
incarnate days I taught
of the importance of readiness
for the day of crisis. Many
saw and experienced that
day and were judged by it.
But Love bore the pain and
loss and offered His obedience
and faithfulness to those
in every age and time who
sought forgiveness and return
to the Father's will and
loving purpose.
There is an
end for every child of man
in his life on earth and
each will be accountable
for his time used, achievements
and relationships. All will
be judged by Love and Love
is both advocate and mediator.
As for the
end of all things on earth
- let everyone in every
place and race and nation
pray now and ceaselessly
that man himself does not
become the world's terminator
and destruction.