November 24th
10:8-11. Luke 19:46-48
The Father's
word is meat and drink to
those who seek His will
and loving purpose. It feeds
and sanctifies, strengthens
and progresses all who take
it into heart and mind and
live and work in its power
and sweetness. And it builds
up to life eternal all who
are faithful to it. Let
all who seek truth in faith
and trust and absolute self-giving
read and study it in the
light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit.
I, the Father's
Son beloved and loving,
am His Word-Made-Manifest
in His most glorious world.
I come into the soul as
I am invited, enlighten
and - with Our Holy Spirit
- enable and empower in
the service of the Father
all continuing faithful
in love and absolute self-giving.
All rejecting
enlightenment do so at their
soul's peril. As they reject
the light offered them so
do they lose the way. I
am the Way, the Truth, the
Life, the Father's Word
Incarnate and Incarnate
Love and - with Our loving
Holy Spirit - build up to
life eternal.