Saturday, November 18th
John 5:8. Luke 18:1-8
Prayer warms
the heart, strengthens the
will and ones the whole
being with the Father's
will and loving purpose.
Pray even when the heart
is cold, the will is weak
and when the certainties
which you have felt and
known seem unsubstantial
and unreal. That is the
time to cling more strongly
to the Rock of your Salvation,
to embrace the Reality of
Eternal Love which are there
for all the faithful and
the true of heart.
Our redeeming,
sanctifying love is with
you always as you continue
faithful in the way. Spend
time in quietness and commitment
to the highest that you
know and care about. Eternal
Love will meet you there
and be your certainty and
strength. Remember, I have
promised to be with you
always even to the end of