April 29th
5:27-32, 40-44. John 21:1-19
Be utterly committed in
Our love and We will bring
you to fulfilment and perfection.
This is My promise and the
will and loving purpose
of the Father. He calls
all His beloved sons and
daughters to eternal joy
in Him and to eternal life
in the Kingdom of His love.
Be strong in faith and
self-giving. Give time and
substance to the calls upon
you as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit Prayerfully
and joyfully pursue your
way each day. I, the Saviour
of each child of man and
woman in the world in every
time and people, call every
single one to joyful ecstasy
in the fellowship and presence
of Our Godhead.
Slough off all sloth and
doubt, depression and all
that clouds your vision
of the truth and Ultimate
Reality. Pray to become
increasingly united with
Our love as you continually
grow in Us and We in you.