Friday, April 27th
Acts 5:34-42. John 6:1-15

The Father has supplied His most glorious world with the potential for its well being. The sons of men He has equipped with power to care, develop, and to use in mutual service, the potential of the earth's resources. And He has given His dynamic word so that the truth and meaning might be identified in all that is, with knowledge and enabling to do and to become all that He lovingly wills and purposes. But He has left men free to choose commitment or refuse it. And I, Father and with Holy Spirit, continually guide, enable, and empower according to the choice and the commitment.

Food for nourishment of body, mind, and spirit is offered in the way; all are called and challenged to be the means of offering and of sharing all they have with others and generously to receive what they are offered.

I am the Bread of Life. Pursue this truth wherever it may lead: pray for insight and for understanding and for a growing and a deepening in your faithfulness and commitment.