Thursday, April 26th
Acts 5:27-33. John 3:31-36

"When will the children of My love become My mature sons and daughters?" Such is the Father's question to all the men and women in His world whom He is creating .He calls them, each and every one, to union with Himself through Our saving, sanctifying love, and to fellowship and oneness with His whole creation.

All faithful to My word are faithful to the Father. I keep in faith and truth all committed to the Father's will and loving purpose: I am their love and their obedience, and their faithfulness in their commitment.

See that your daily times with Me are sacrosanct, and commune with Me in your comings and your goings. You know that I am there as you relate to Me: I seek to live increasingly within your heart and mind so to become your inspiration and your power for action .So will you become, in time , a faithful and mature son or daughter of the Father - I speak to one , I speak to all . And you will come into the fullness of eternal life in the glorious Kingdom of the Father.