Wednesday, April 11th
Isaiah 50:4-9. Matt. 26:14-25

Hold fast to your commitment: We will bring you through all that you suffer on the way. Identify with the Son of Man and offer all you are and suffer to His progress in the way. I am the Suffering Servant of the Father, His Son beloved and loving. I entered human life according to My Father’s will and loving purpose and willingly I came. Through My life and death and risen life I have redeemed the world, and My redeeming, saving love is pregnant with potential and with power for every child of man whoever lived or ever will.

But by that cosmic, human and immortal operation each beloved son and daughter of the loving Heavenly Father is called and challenged to become a part of My great redeeming, saving work through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. And each is called to enter the mystery of redemptive suffering as each is led and guided. Through prayer and contemplation and through meditation on the Scriptures the way is gradually seen and known and understood. Rejoice that you are called, redeemed and sanctified - as you are faithful to the Father’s will. Join with your brothers and your sisters in My love: celebrate My saving love and be one with Me in all things.