Monday, April 23rd
4:23-31. John 3:1-8
The Father will fulfil
His promises to all His
sons and daughters. But
they must follow in the
way We lead and guide if
they are to mature and to
become Our loving witnesses
to truth, I am the Resurrection
and the Life: all who live
in Me and I in them I bring
to life eternal and Our
Holy Spirit enables them
to heal and teach according
to the Father's will and
loving purpose.
Seek constantly for Our
leading, pray ceaselessly
within your heart and mind
and meditate upon the word
as it is given . The Father
works continuously to bring
the kingdoms of this world
into the Kingdom of His
righteousness and love:
I save and - with Our Holy
Spirit - sanctify the faithfully
committed in Our love ,
enable and perfect their
faithfulness , and bring
them to the fullness of
eternal love in the glorious
Kingdom of the Father where,
with the whole company of
Heaven, they rejoice for