Tuesday, April 24th
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
Coloss. 1:24-29. John 17:20-26

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love And through My life and death and risen life I bring into the fullness of Our Godhead all responding to the Father's will and loving purpose. The Father calls His whole creation into the mystery of eternal love which is His Very Being. From Him springs all that was or is or ever shall be. And I, with Him and through Our loving Holy Spirit, redeem and sanctify. Pray to know and enter in the mystery of this dynamic and empowering truth. So will you increasingly become a part of it as you continue faithful. So will become, in due time, a true reflection of the Father's love and a witness to My Presence in the Father's world.

Desire the Father's will in all things and ceaselessly pray to be faithful to it as you perceive it. I am your way and your enlightenment and, with Our Holy Spirit, bring all who seek into the glorious fulfilment of the loving Presence of the Father.