Saturday, February 9th
The Apostles rejoined Jesus and told Him all they had done and taught, then He said to them, "You must come away to a lonely place by yourselves and rest for a while."
Mark 6:30-31

In order that it may survive and function efficiently and effectively the body must be fed, exercised and rested. And so it is with the mind. But the spirit must also receive attention, its needs even greater than those of the body and mind.

First there must be a setting aside of time and opportunity each day to rest the spirit, renew commitment and receive that which the loving Father seeks to give through the light and power of Our Indwelling.

Let each approach this time with simple, quiet, joyful certainty that he will find the peace that passes knowledge, sloughing off the cares which follow him thus far. We will disperse his sins and failures, carry all his worries, progress and perfect his life in Us as all is offered to Our love and saving power.

Let this be done each day and for a longer space from time to time. So will the soul be strengthened, nurtured and progressed as Our Presence ministers and rests in it.