Wednesday, February 27th
Jesus said, "Anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many"
Matthew 20:26-28

As Our love grows in you according to the measure of your self-giving so does your power for service. And your service must be prompted by Us if it is to be effective and progress the Father's loving will and good purpose. All must be offered to Him to initiate, prosper and further. He sees and knows the whole pattern of perfection in His Kingdom of love which he seeks to create. Each of His children has He placed in His Kingdom of light which he invites to be taken through service and generous self-giving.

And I have shown the way through My life and My teaching and My Indwelling and guiding in the light of Our Spirit. All that is needed to prosper, further and perfect is offered to that child of the Father who offers himself in faith and in trust and in love.

Serve one another in love and self-giving, desiring the well-being of all. So will you unite with My Incarnate self-giving. My strength and My power will be yours, you My surrogate in ministry and service. And love will be both the means and the end, bonding of all in the Father.