Friday, February 1st

The loving Heavenly Father is King and Ruler of the whole earth. And He rules in love. But the rule of love is more demanding and more binding than any law, and more costly. Have I not shown in My Incarnate Life and through My trials and suffering and death?

But the reward of all who persevere in trust and love is total. And I have won for all who faithfully pursue the way of loving trust a place in the Father's presence in time and eternity, as He designed before time was.

Let all who will receive the love which ceaselessly is offered to each one as each pursues his way in life. Let each conform his life and person to that which he perceives as good, progressing to that wholeness which is the gift of Our redeeming love. So will he know the joy and peace of the ather's Presence when at the end of time he is presented in the power of Our sanctifying grace.