Thursday, February
Jesus said,
"If they will not listen either
to Moses or to the prophets they will
not be convinced even if someone should
rise from the dead"
The glory and challenge of life
for each of the Father's children
is to respond to that within each
which ceaselessly leads towards
fulfilment. And that is the light
and the power of Our love constantly
working within, and between each
child of the Father, building the
one and the many into the whole
glorious Kingdom.
My life and my word showed the
way; but My death and the new life
released through rising from death
released power for each child of
the Father transforming the whole
of creation.
This is the sign of all signs:
let it become the power of your
living. Through My conquest of death,
My victory over sin, I bring each
one the power to love and to live
in the power of the Spirit. All
who respond to this truth find -
as they walk in the way - clarity
of mind and a strengthening of purpose.
As the will of the Father is done
in being and doing so is each fulfilled
and perfected through the light
and the power of my Presence.