Friday, February 22nd
Matthew 5:20-26

As I dwell in the heart and mind of every child of the Father who receives, returns, and lives in the light and power of His love, so do I transform and redeem, sanctify and progress His world according to the measure of commitment of each. I am the light and power of His love, and through My death and resurrection the victory and the life.

As all is offered to Our cleansing, progressing, perfecting love so is all suffered and transformed. And this is the continuous, demanding work of the whole body of redeemed and sanctified who desire and seek the Father's loving purpose through the power of My Indwelling.

Let Our love pour into your heart and mind, flooding both with the light and power of Our joyful, demanding, fulfilling Presence. So will you share in the painful, rewarding, fulfilling work which constantly builds up the Father's Kingdom through My life and My love in the hearts and minds of the faithful.