Sunday, February 10th
Jesus said, "It is not the healthy that need a doctor but the sick:
I did not come to invite virtuous people, but sinners"
Mark 2:17

All have sinned and fallen short of the Father's great and glorious purpose. And so will it be until the end of time. But there is a sin of failure through weakness and a sin of culpable wilfulness. And there is the final rejection of the light which could save the soul which does not seek self-destruction.

I came for all the Father's children of every tribe and race and time: I died and rose again for each and every one that My death might be their salvation, My resurrection their life and joy and fulfilment, their way to the Father's glorious Presence.

To each and every child whoever lived I am the light which shines along the way and guides and strengthens, comforts and restores. And with Our Holy Spirit I lead to fullness in eternity as each responds and follows in the way.

By little and by much progress is made by one and all, alone and corporately, only the wilfully perverse and devious who refuse Our love and life are lost because they choose the way of death.