Tuesday, February 12th

Centre in Me. Let the power and fire of My Indwelling infuse in you that spirit of joyful self-giving which will bring you to perfection and fulfilment in the end.

So will it cleanse and purify your praise and worship and I will bring you to the approaches of the Father's Presence to bring your love and glorify His Name.

And you will know increasingly His purpose for you, with power to fulfil His will in things both great and small. Others will come to know and understand life's joys and challenges in the light of Our redeeming, sanctifying love in you as you receive from Me and from Our Holy Spirit the light and life and love of Our Indwelling day by day.

But you must be constant and concentrate on things you have in hand, collected, open, ready to receive all that we yearn to show and give you in the way. Centre in Me.