Monday, December 9th
To prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins, Jesus said to the paralysed man, "I order you to get up, pick up your stretcher, and go home."
Luke 5:17-26

From the threshold of each heart and mind I challenge and invite the soul to exercise its faculty to make decision for its welfare and its health and wholeness. First it must jettison those things which militate against its progress and well-being in the light and power of Our love. Then it can receive the dynamic of Our power for life and action which will bring and keep it in the way as it continues faithful.

The Father has created every child of man to find his destiny in the joy and glory of His Being. And as each beloved child progresses in the way so does he become a unique and faithful witness to the Father's love and glorious, joyful purpose. Through My redeeming, saving love and Our Holy Spirit's light and guiding the faithful ones are brought to their true destiny there to rejoice for evermore in Him who made all things for perfection and with all who walked in faithfulness and love.