Thursday, December 19th
For me you have changed my mourning into dancing,
0 Lord my God. I will thank you for ever
Psalm 30:11

Let all rejoice who have come to the knowledge of their salvation and live and walk in the light and power of it. Nothing in life or death shall separate the faithful follower from his commitment. For I am his light and power, his joy and his salvation.

When mistakes are made by him who follows faithfully, or when from time to time he strays from the safe path, I am alongside him, alerting him and pointing the safe way for his return. Then, as he re-finds the way so do I again become his light and joy and power for action.

I am the hope and the salvation of every man and woman who ever lived. In myriad ways I minister to each and all to enlighten, progress and to empower each of the Father's beloved ones who look for point and purpose in their lives. And I harness the dynamic of the Father's boundless, all embracing love to every one who gives himself in faith and trust to that which We present at his soul's centre.