Tuesday, December 3rd
Filled with joy by the Holy Spirit, Jesus said, "I bless You O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children …. Everything has been entrusted to Me by My Father"
Luke 10:21-22

The faithful souls in every nation, race, and tribe in all the generations that have been I train and tend, protect and bring to fullness and perfection at the end of time. This is the open secret of all times and all places, and all the silently and faithfully progressing rejoice in Us and We in them no matter what the outward circumstance.

Sorrow and suffering are but for a season, for the Father has foreshortened the time and consequence of man's inhumanity to man and to His glorious creation. All will be one in joy when time shall end and all the faithful gathered in rejoice with angels and archangels and all the company of Heaven in the presence of the loving Heavenly Father who has made all things for joy and for perfection.

Accept My saving love at all times and in every circumstance, Our Holy Spirit's light and guiding power. So will you come to that perfection and fulfilment the Father wills and purposes for all the faithful and the true of heart.