Sunday December 29th
Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let you minds be remade and your whole nature thus transformed
Romans 12:1-2

This is the first-fruits of My Indwelling, namely a clear insight into the pattern of all that is in this, the Father's world and then a transformation of your whole being. And all whom I indwell I build into the fabric of the Father's Kingdom as each is willing and co-operates with that which was designed and purposed for him before time was. Both individual and the Father's Kingdom have a reality of perfection to be discovered and fulfilled through time and in eternity. This is the knowledge and the experience of all the redeemed and sanctified of ages past who now await the completion of the Father's loving purpose. And those who now are journeying on life's way committed to the light, progressed and perfected by My Indwelling, increasingly perceive the glorious urgency of conforming to the Father's will in all things.

Look, listen, and proceed the way We guide as We lighten and enable. So will you grow into that perfection that We purposed for you and make that contribution to the Father's Kingdom which He desires and purposes.