Wednesday, December 25th
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth:
we beheld His glory as of the only Son from the Father
John 1:14

The whole earth could not contain even the reflection of the Father's glory. The world of universes reveals an echo of His power and glory. But love is both the substance and the essence of all that is in Heaven and earth: it is both part and whole of all perfection, ruling and serving according to the loving purpose of All Being.

Each child of man is graciously invited to participate in this great act of generation. John Baptist exemplified the vocation and obedience of the faithful in each and every age. And Mary, blessed above all whoever lived, became the means of man's regeneration. For I, the Father's Love, became Incarnate in great humility. And as I took on human flesh in earthly time so do I live within the soul of each and every child as I am welcomed into heart and mind. Through Our saving, sanctifying love the Father's glory shines in individual and community in all times and places. So will it be until the end of time when all is brought into the Father's glorious Presence, there to rejoice in love for evermore.