Saturday, December 21st
Elizabeth said,"….Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her
by the Lord would be fulfilled."
Luke 1:45

Even so let all believe those things which are presented to the heart and mind as they pursue the truth in love and self-giving. And let the increase of the soul's conviction bring light and joy to the centre of their being.

And let each one find solidarity with others as he is led and guided. The Father's Kingdom grows, His way for each and all revealed and prospered according to their faithfulness in listening and obeying that which is presented at their soul's centre.

Herein is joy unbounded as My beloved Mother knew and showed through her obedience to the Father's will. And I in My Incarnate life exemplified that which I experienced in and through My death, namely the willing offering of the total self in love, which brought salvation to the sons of men. This joy I share with all the redeemed and sanctified both now and at the end of time according to the Father's will and loving purpose.