April 5th
Jesus said
to the Jews, "I tell you most
solemnly, whoever keeps My word will
never see death…….I tell
you most solemnly, before Abraham
ever was, I am."
I am the light which moves on the
face of the earth without ceasing.
I am the truth revealing the Father's
mind and heart since the beginning
of time. And I am the love of the
Father making all things good to
blossom and to prosper, transforming
the children of men created in His
image into sons of God, as Our light
and truth and love are willingly
received into the centre of their
And as they receive, so is life
imparted to enable those who receive
it to grow into the fullness to
which they are called by becoming
and doing that which the Father
lovingly wills and purposes. The
going is indeed slow, often painful,
and I suffer in every vicissitude,
setback and sadness. But all is
caught up in the contingency of
my redemption, except where willed
evil intent of a perverse child
of the Father chooses otherwise.
And many are faithful to My word
not recognising My voice. The faithfulness
of Our lovingly committed ones is
powerful through My Saving Name.
I am the Word of life in time and
eternity. I am the loving intent,
image and purpose of the Father.