April 2nd
Jesus said
to Martha, "I am the Resurrection
and life". Martha went and called
her sister Mary, saying, "The
Master is here and wants to see you"
There is no life save in Me, for
so has the Father ordained it. I
am both the life laid down and the
life raised up, and I seek to bestow
on each and every child of the Father
that measure and quality of life
which will build him up in eternal
life. And how may I do this unless
Our beloved children look to Me
in love and come to Me for life?
Come to Me, child of the Father's
love and rest in Me: there is no
more profitable way of finding the
Father's will in all things, and
the means of fulfilling it. I speak
for the one and I speak for the
many. And I lead each to reach for
the fullness of his person and destiny
as I am enabled by his loving commitment.
So do I lead and empower the group,
the community, the nation. And where
I am neither desired nor sought
there is darkness, divisiveness
and incipient death.
So there is no more important occupation
for mind and heart than seeking
My Presence, My peace, and the Father's
will through My loving direction.
So will Our Holy Spirit enlighten
and guide. And all so committed
will come to the fullness of being
and of joy.